Monday, December 29, 2008

Please Remember

I write this blog post with a heavy heart for two of our TLC team. Kyle Thompson lost his 44 year old father over the weekend unexpectedly. I spoke with Kyle briefly on Sunday and told him that he would be in all of our thoughts and prayers. Kyle's father will be at Williamson Memorial Funeral Home here in Franklin. His funeral will take place on Wednesday. Also, Deb Wallace lost her father-in-law over the weekend. Deb and Gary are traveling to Oklahoma to attend the funeral services this week. I also spoke with Deb on Sunday and told her we would be praying for her and Gary as well.

Please keep Kyle, and Deb in your thoughts and prayers. These upcoming days will be challenging to say the least.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Franklin office!!!

Hey everyone!

We wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that you all have safe travels!
Have a holly jolly Christmas! ~Dana, Brandy and Emilee

Monday, December 22, 2008

On Inauguration Day -- Let Us Pray

TLC Friends,

I wanted to let you all know that Max Lucado has set up a great website: check it out!

Let's join Max Lucado and the 18,000 + others on 01.20.08 to pray for President-Elect Obama

"On January 20, 2009–inauguration day–set aside some minutes to pray for our incoming President. Ask God to inspire, direct and protect him. Pray for his wife and daughters. Use your worship time, family time and private time to ask God’s blessings on Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and all the men and women who serve and lead our country. It’s time to pray."


Have a good day!!!! :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas

Ellie said


Jesus is Better than Santa
Santa lives at the North Pole.
JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart.
You have to stand in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry"
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.

May the Lord Bless and Watch over you and your loved ones this Christmas 2008
And may He prosper and bless the work of your hands in the New Year.

Friday, December 5, 2008

It's nice to hear the GOOD...

Hey guys!
Joey asked me to post the following letter which he received yesterday from a new TLC Medical BiPAP patient. In a business where only the "negatives" usually make it to his hear (if we happen to mess things up -which we all know NEVER happens!!... )- it is just refreshing that someone stopped and sang our praises! We are a great TEAM, and need to remember that we bless others when we take time and help them with their personal troubles. Go Emilee and Casey!!!! And thanks to everyone else, too- we know you are making a big difference in these people's lives!

Mr., Joey Lankford
Please allow me to share my last three days with you.
My bipap machine stopped working on a trip to Baltimore on Monday night. It was the first time in 4 years that I have not had my mask on and I was afraid of going to sleep and not waking up.
I did my sleep study four years ago in Louisville Ky and have not needed anything since moving to Spring Hill in Aug of '06. I did a Google search for Medical supplies and TLC came up. I did not know what I was getting into. I did not know that you needed a prescription from my MD to get supplies. Just a little more back ground to my story. With my in-laws, we owned a Christian Book Store in Louisville. I understand the challenges of the "family business".

I contacted your Franklin office and spoke to Emilee Puckett. After giving her my info with address, she informed me that the Columbia office covered Spring Hill. I assumed I would need to call that office and go through all this again. WOW WAS I WRONG. Emilee faxed/emailed all the info to Casey Cantrell and said Casey would call me soon. AND SHE DID.

I have never, in my 25 years of professional life had the level of service I received from your staff. I was a challenge, and your staff was amazing.
I also spoke with another employee at Columbia and I'm sorry I can't recall her name. All three went way beyond to put me at ease.
I have always said that my employees are a reflection of me.
I have never met you but I believe you and your family are great people. Your father and you have done a marvelous job with TLC.
I have been working for myself for the last 16 years, but I would work for your family in a heart beat.

Job well done.

Randy Maricle
Maricle Management Group

You are invited... come to my Christmas contata at Judson Baptist Church. There are 2 dates that are available for you to come-December 13 & 14 at 6:00 p.m. It is open to the public and you don't have to get tickets or anything, but I would strongly suggest getting there early.

I sing with my church choir and for the past few months we have been working on our music and so has our orchestra. The program is called "I Have Seen the Light" and I really believe it is going to be amazing.

Here is the address and map. I hope to see you all there. Look for me in the Alto section, which is on the right!
Judson Baptist Church
4900 Franklin Road
Nashville, TN 37220

If you have any questions please feel free to email me:
Hope to see you all there!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Hey guys!

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I received a wonderful email today from a friend of our family, Michael Ray, who reminded me of how much I have to be thankful for this season. It got me to thinking how wonderful it would be if we could all just take a second and think of just ONE thing we are THANKFUL for today.... and share it on our blog. I think so often we get so busy in the hustle and bustle of THANKSGIVING DAY that we forget to actually STOP and BE thankful...and GIVE thanks, to the GIVER of all that we have. We just get used to being blessed that we don't realize there are others out there who are suffering, hungry, sick, unable to enjoy sight and sounds and life! We are tremendously blessed by God! Let us NOT forget to give thanks today, tomorrow...and each day!

“In everything, give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
~I Thessalonians 5:18

I hope you all have a wonderful day with your families tomorrow!


Dana A

Christmas Party

Hello All!

We are FAST approaching this holiday season, and with that in mind, we have been praying about and discussing date possibilities for the TLC Christmas party this year. In doing this, we have decided, instead, to do something different. In a time when our economy is suffering and people are hurting, we have decided to take the money we would normally spend and give it away.

1.) We will be giving some of it to the Nashville Rescue Mission to feed the homeless during this holiday season. Because we also recognize that giving money is only ½ of what is needed, I have requested date options for us to go serve the homeless ourselves. I will be following up with these date options the first of next week so you can make plans to participate with us in this opportunity.
2.) I have requested that each tech give us 2 names of patients that they come in contact with that could us a helping hand. We will be getting food baskets together for these people and going with the techs to present these baskets to these needy patients. We will try to coordinate these delivery times so that others in the TLC family can participate in the delivery. I will forward more info within the next week on these opportunities as well.

Thanks to each and every one of you for all you do here at TLC. I am personally very thankful for the opportunity I have to work with some of the greatest people anywhere. Please be praying for us as we finalize the details of the above mentioned items. I will be in contact soon with more detail. Thanks again for everything.

Joey Lankford

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Go Monty!!!!

Lets all pray for Monty's victory today............

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

ellie said......

Hi everybody. It's Halloween!!!! and I love it. I have a lot of fun this time of the year and I love this time when the trees start to turn such beauiful colors and the air is cool and crisp. God has a way with making everything so bright and viberant with the changing of the season.

I too had a birthday this week, however, I am not telling which number it was.

I hope everybody has a fantastic Halloween tonight and a great weekend!!!


Oh and by the way........ ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Big 3-0

Hi my name is Jenny and I'm officially old!!!! (Well not really but it sure sounds weird to say that I'm 30.) So what did I do to celebrate this monumental occasion in my life you might ask? Well, my hubby planned a surprise weekend get-away in Chattanooga for us. (If you don't know my hubby, which most of you don't, you can not fully appreciate how monumental that was in and of itself. He's a) not very romantic at all and b) definitely not a planner.) I was so stinkin' excited and proud of him when he finally told me on Friday I could barely contain myself. So here is goes..the run down of our weekend:

First stop...the most romantic lunch ever.

The we were off to Rock City. Neither of us had been there since we were kiddos and man was it beautiful this time of year. (Which he knew I would love...aka back to the whole planning thing.)

Then we went down into the Earth to see the famed Ruby Falls. He had never been here so it was neat to explore it with him for the first time. He, of course, wanted to crawl in the all the crevices that were off limits. Thank goodness they don't supply with you those little lights you can put on like a hat or I might of lost him in there.

We checked in to our room at the Chattanoogan, which was great and then headed off to dinner for some Blue Orleans Creole. YUMMY!!!!

Being the good luvin' wife that I am, after dinner we found a local hang out and watched the misery that was known as the UT game. (Thankfully he got fed up with it and we went back to the hotel.)

Sunday morning we woke up to breakfast and massages.....what more could a girl ask for. Then it was off to the Aquarium. We hadn't been there since they had added on and it was a great time.

As far as we were concerned, it was a birthday done right and it was over. But then on Monday, the party continued. Thanks everyone in the office I was, again, surprised by a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday right before lunch and this delicious cake...thanks for thinking of my guys. YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

I will have to admit that this was one of my favorite birthday's yet. If it is any indication of what lies ahead in my 30s, then bring them on!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Check it out!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. To see my post for today you can view it on my own personal blog. So click on the link above and check it out!


Monday, October 13, 2008

Hope From The Cross

Hello everyone. It's Alison once more. I want to share something very dear to my heart that my father wrote for me. I hope you find refuge in it as I have many times. Have a great day!!

Hope From The Cross
His Sovereign Arms of Grace

When Christ was hung upon the ugly cross
It appeared to His disciples that all was loss

But in God’s sovereign plan to be
Life for man, eternally

When all seems dark and out of control
The winds are howling and the sea billows roll

It is the crucified one who rebukes the wind
And the calming of the waves the Lamb doth send

May we carry our cross to the appointed place
Never ever doubting His sovereign arms of grace

In the death of our will He sets us free
The arisen Jesus of the cross gives victory

By Mark Vogel

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Way to go, TEAM TLC!

Howdy everyone!

Thank you to everyone who signed up for Race for the Cure, 
participated (woo!) in the Race, and to all of those who donated money towards such a great cause! We raised right at $1,000! Congrats!!

For our first year as a team, I think we were very successful. :) yay, team.

For those of you who were able to make it to the Race: Thank you for getting up at the crack of dawn to show your support for finding a cure for breast cancer. "YOU ARE THE CURE"

Here is a picture of the whole gang bright and early before the Race
I'm so proud of everyone for being such great sports! Whether you walked, ran, cheered us on or just donated money--everyone contributed to Team TLC and helped make our first year a success!

Here is a group shot of just the TLC ladies!  It was pretty chilly before the race...tends to be that way at 7am:)  But we definitely all had to strip off the 1st layer of clothing mid-race!  But thankfully it was B-E-A-UTIFUL weather.  
Obviously awesome. 

Who's ready for next year?!  

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Breaking News...

What a Relief!!

Everyone it's Kyle again. Whoever commented that it was mine is wrong.(Richard, Nathan, Joey, Drason or whomever) Congrats Richard and Dana. I don't know what you're going to do with two kids now Dana. FYI, Kyle is a very good name for a boy. Kylie is great for a girl. Anyways, I haven't much to blog about. Atleast I do post on time, everytime if anyone was wondering.(management or whom is head of raises) Things have been going good with everything in my life. I'm undefeated in all fantasy football leagues, playstation is still working and my girlfriend and I have just reached 6 months. I think working here at TLC has really helped me with commitments. I have never had a steady job or relationship until i came to TLC. Maybe it's maturity or maybe it's because there are always things changing here. That's a good thing though. Most people and companies are scared to change things and days go by, same ol same ol. Kinda like UT offense.

Well i suppose that's all I got. I know it's boring but hey I did post and I probably am now in trouble for cracking on UT.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Baby Bean Counter ON BOARD!!!

Well...the cat is officially out of the bag....IT IS US!!!! It was so fun today to hear all of the buzz around each office of "WHO IS IT??"... and I guess our baby will be named "KIM", boy or girl, since she was on it first! :) (smiley face was actually Rich's doing last night...he did the post!) We're just so relieved it wasn't Jeff Walker who guessed... ha! Anyways, we are about 9 weeks along, with a due date of May 14... Now we just can't believe we have to wait NINE MONTHS to see our baby. We feel so blessed, so THANKFUL TO GOD, and so excited! Thanks for being so fun and sharing in our joy today--- it made sharing our "secret" so memorable!

Sunday, October 5, 2008



Thursday, October 2, 2008


It's me again (Hayley). So I just got the news that it was only the timing belt that is broken on my car. I am still not sure what that is, but it sounds better than "the transmission went out" like we originally thought. Dad says it's only going to be about $250 to fix, which we still don't have, but it will be much easier to come up with than the couple thousand we expected it to be. Thank you all who were praying for us, and thanks for all the comments. You guys are awesome!! I love you guys. *tear*

"I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!" Deuteronomy 32:3

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What next?

So, it is my day to do a blog again (this is Hayley, by the way), and it's not been a good day, so I hope you don't mind if I ramble for a minute.....or two.

This year God has really been teaching me about trust and faith. When I was young I used to always hear people talking about "casting your cares upon Jesus" and "giving it to God". I never really understood how to do that until this year.

In January my dad lost his job for the 3rd time in a year. It was devasting, not only financially, but emotionally, for him and my mom. Now, I knew that God would take care of them, I knew that they would make it through, but I just couldn't see any purpose in it. I asked God "Why? Why my dad? Why a man with a work ethic like I have never seen before? Why a man that would do anything for anyone?" The months past and still no job and no prospects. His spirits were at an all time low, my mom was a wreck, and I was starting to get really worried. It just didn't make any sense. During this time he was doing taxes to make ends meet. You see, my grandparents own a tax business that is run out of their house. So, he was getting to spend a lot of time with his parents and his family. Then, in April, we found out that my grandfather was sick and they said that what he had would kill him. It wasn't a matter of if, but when. During this time, my dad was able to spend time with my grandparents. He was able to take care of my grandfather, take him to doctor's appointments and his treatments. He was able to help finish projects around their house that my grandfather had started but couldn't finish. He was able to establish a real relationship with his father, that he had not had in years. It was a blessing in the midst of all this turmoil! My grandfather passed away in June. After 5 months of job searching, my dad finally found a job, and he started only 3 days before my grandfather passed away. 5 months of "Why's?" were answered in one moment. If it wasn't for my dad losing his job, and not being able to find another, he would have missed it all. He would have been able to do very little for my grandfather and spend very little time with him in those last months. He wouldn't have taken that back for anything, even if it meant never having lost his job. The most amazing part is that during this time, their money just strecthed, seemed to go on and on. They never really struggled financially, even though their income had been cut in half. That's impossible.......accept for the One who makes all things possible. Wow! Isn't that amazing?

All that to say God is teaching me that He is in control of everything. We may not see the reasons, or where our roads are leading, but He DOES. He knows it all. He never promised us that it would be easy, in fact sometimes it may be harder. His promise is that He will always be there, not only walking with us as we go, but waiting at the end of our roads too. How awesome is that? How much less stressful is life to go through knowing that? It almost makes worrying seem so silly.

So, this brings me to today. On the way home from work today, my car broke the middle of the road. Now my car is about 10 years old, and it's been through a lot. If you have seen it, you know that one side is completely smashed in. It also has about 150,000 miles on it. So, I just have this nagging feeling that whatever is wrong is not going to be fixable or is going to cost more than the car is worth to fix. Add to that, Jason and I have no money at this moment. Literally, $25 in the bank. What the heck are we going to do? I don't know.....but God does. I am so thankful for this year, I am so thankful for these things that keep happening, because it reminds me that God is so in control. I have no control, nor do I want it. It's like He keeps taking the control away from me (I might prefer He do this in other ways ;)), but I am certainly not going to fight it.

So, If there is something you are going through that seems too big for you to handle, or even if it's small enough that you think you can handle it on your own, DON'T. Give it to God, there is nothing too big or too small for Him to handle. If you are like I used to be, and you are not sure how to "Give it to God" or "Cast all your cares", let me know, I will be glad to walk you through it :)

Please be praying for us as we figure out (i.e. God figures out) what the heck we are going to do about our car. Oh, and if you happen to have an extra car or an extra $10,000 lying around, we would be happy to take it off your hands ;)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, September 26, 2008

What's wrong with this picture?

Happy Friday!!
(This is another example of what happens when you forget your day to post a blog)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

JUST ME!!!!!!

Hi everyone
This is my first time blogging and you have to forgive me if I break the, I was told there were rules....I forgot to post something back in July and thanks to the reminder in my phone and Emily's email(thanks Em...) I remembered to post something today.

OK here we go...My name is Pam and I am the RT for Chattanooga and all the East TN locations. As I begin to type I realize that I have been with the TLC family for two years... wow I can not believe that it's been that long. I have had the best two years of my working experience here at TLC and I will not trade it for anything.

I am not married, have no kids and no pets(lol....boring I know). In the picture I was trying to look cute and getting ready to go out with my two best friends, and I also posted it for the benefit of everyone I used to see almost everyday in Franklin and Nashville in case you all have forgotten how I look . I travel and hang out with my friends a lot when I am not at work and I just try to enjoy life and thank God for it everyday. I hope the next time I post I will have a lot more interesting things to write about. I will have pictures of the Atlanta half marathon I will be participating in.It's going to be on Thanksgiving and it's going to be 13miles. This is my first half Marathon and please pray for me so I can finish it with no injuries. Gosh!!.. when I work out I ask myself what I signed up for because it hurts, but it's for a good cause and I have always wanted to run a marathon and hopefully next year I will be able to run the full marathon.

I don't have much more to write but I will leave you with this little saying that I truly live my life on....."ALWAYS TELL THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE THAT YOU LOVE THEM"

Thursday, September 18, 2008

He that rises late must trot all day.

I just received an email from the Race for the Cure....

If anyone is still interested in being a part of Team TLC, it's not too late:
"Everyone must be registered by Friday, September 19th at 11:59 PM to be counted as part of your team!! There is a $10.00 late fee added on - which means $10 more will go to help find a cure :) "

Monday, September 8, 2008

Good Morning, it's me again, Heather. I thought I would add a little more to my background, I met my husband at the local watering hole in Hendersonville, N.C. through his sister who was anything but happy about Shane introducing himself, but I didn't get the typical pick up line with him trying to hit on me instead he spent the first hour or so trying to set me up with his brother and then when that didn't happen he asked me out and I told him yes but he would have to get my phone # from his sister who I also worked with. I was smart enough (I think) to realize that he was not going to remember my number if I just told it to him and then like a week later he asked me out, 2 weeks later he told me he loved me and I hung up on him twice and a year after that we were married. Three years later our beautiful child was born. Katie-bug is just over 9 months and into everything. The day before she turned 8 months she started crawling and got her 2nd tooth. She has her bottom 2 front teeth and it's so cute when she smiles. Like I said she is crawling and into everything and I can't wait to see what's next with her. The days are over of just watching her roll around on the floor or laying on the couch, now it's what is she getting into or what is laying around that she could do some damage with. We have had a few bumps and falls but I figure there are many more to come if she is going to be anything like me, I tend to be a little clumsy and accident prone and I hope she isn't going to follow in my footsteps. We took her to the Wilson County Fair and she loved it, she didn't want to miss a thing, her favorite thing was the chickens and ducks and of course daddy had to put her on the tractor. We all had a blast and we are next looking forward to her first zoo trip and her first halloween, she's going to be so cute in a little costum.

Last week to sign up for the RACE.

Hey everyone!

Yes, Drason is right...we wrote his blog for him and yes, we found it kind of humorous. :)
Don't forget to sign up for the Race for the Cure!:) This is your last week to do so (to be on the Team TLC team).

I want to share with you all a few of my favorite things...
This is a picture at my roommate from college/best friend's wedding. It was two weeks ago in Richmond, Virginia. Everyone in the office knew how excited I was for it--so I figured I should post a picture of it for everyone to see :D I love weddings.

College football is here!! There is nothing like spending your Saturday afternoon with 107,000 of your closet friends. Even though we had a rough start...I like being the underdog!! :) There is nothing...and I mean NOTHING like being in Neyland Stadium. It truly is an experience that I believe everyone should do once in their lifetime :)

I traveled to Greece about two years ago on an alternative Spring Break.
It was an eye opening experience and I can't wait to go back sometime. Here is a picture of my favorite mountain. We had just gotten done working at an Orthodox monastery for the day and I saw this mountain off in the distance and I fell in love with it. Something about it immediately brings peace to my heart:) Just looking at this picture can take me back to Greece and the wonderful memories I have from the trip.

I hope you all have a blessed week and remember to be thankful for all that you have :)


I'll leave you with a quote I love from St. Macarius on the Heart.
The heart itself is but a small vessel, yet dragons are there, and there are also lions; there are poisonous beasts and all the treasures of evil. But there too is God, the angels, the life and the kingdom, the light and the apostles, the heavenly cities and the treasuries of grace—all things are there.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Real Bullwinkle

Hello everyone. It's my first post here on the TLC blog. Let me first apologize for the rookie billing/ insurance verification girls (Jenny & Teresa...not naming any names) who said I had to post by their specified deadline. When I didn't, they took the opportunity to blog for me... which ended up being not so favorable for me. Anyway, so please let me start over from scratch here.....

Hello. My name is Drason A. Beasley. I believe I have worked with about everyone in the company at some point. During my days as tech, salesman, Medisend, MED task force, and now the only male in the billing department. Oh how i love that! Around there I'm known as Bullwinkle. Now, let me introduce you to my sweet daughter in the photo above. Her name is Olivia Drae Beasley. She is the new love of my life. She is 6 months old now and her personality is really developing. It is so much fun to watch her experience new things. Even below in this picture she is experiencing a flower for the first time. The first love of my life is Sonya Gay Stokes-Beasley. During the next blog, I will give you the full story of how we became BFF (best friends forever... dorky, I know.)

Recently, we took Livi camping for the first time at Montgomery Bell Park. Here she is enjoying the trees on a hike. Our subdivision, in Spring Hill, is fairly new with mostly very small trees. So, Livi thought the park was wonderful.

This is one of my favorite things to do.... having lunch with my daughter when I can. I don't know but I think she definitely looks like her dad in this photo.

This is one of my favorite pictures of Livi and Sonya. In this picture Livi is about 2 1/2 months old and on the beach. She came back with a tan and she loved the beach! This is a photo that I keep in my wallet and in my truck to keep me focused on being grateful for the opportunity God has given me as a father and as a husband.

This last photo is my wonderful mother-in-law, Peggy Stokes (AKA Mad Dog/ Queen of Stokes Hill) that allows us to use their camper anytime. How sweet they are to us.

Friday, September 5, 2008

My Web Blog

Last night I attached my personal blog (and those of other employees) to our TLC Blog. Instead of doing an additional blog today, I ask that you please just visit my blog.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Something to remember

When God leads you to the edge of the cliff, trust Him fully and let go, only 1 of 2 things will happen, either He'll catch you when you fall, or He'll teach you how to fly! "The power of one sentence! God is going to shift things around for you today and let things work in your favor. God closes doors no man can open & God opens doors no man can close. Have a blessed day and remember to be a blessing...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Prayer Request

Please keep Joyce, Tom and Jennifer in your prayers through out the coming days. We received word today that Joyce's sister-in-law passed away this morning. As I'm sure we all know, losing a close family member is never easy. Please call on the Lord to be with this family and show them peace and mercy that only He can give.

A National Holiday

Morning folks, Jenny here, I hope everyone enjoyed their day off yesterday. I know I sure did. Some of you know yesterday as the National Holiday known as Labor Day. For me and my family, it's a much more important holiday....opening day of dove season. Yup, that's right all you animal rights activist, I am a hunter and have been since I can remember. Growing up, my sister and I would be the first ones awake opening morning, even though you can't hunt til after lunch. Daddy would pack up everything: guns, ammo, sunscreen, bug spray, Dr Pepper, water, dog, etc. (Traveling with two girls required a bit more than he was used to.) By 10:00 we were itching to get out the door and on to the field. Memories of those hunts will always be some of our family favorites.

Nowadays, my hunting partner has changed but the love of the sport has not. Opening day now consists of my dear hubby waking me up bouncing off the walls like a kid at Christmas. You see, this is the one time of year that we equally share a passion for the same sport. We've been dove hunting together longer long before we ever started dating. Yesterday, bright and early, we were off to Cracker Barrell with our friends the Wilsons and then off to Kentucky for a huge hunt up there. (We just happen to run in to Nate, Tiff and the boys at the mighty Cracker Barrell, getting ready to send Nate off on a hunt of his own.)

Here's a picture of our harvest from yesterday. Between the four of us, we all managed to kill our limits (and then some, but don't tell the game warden). More importantly, Karly and I managed to impress all the old men on the field who still seem to think that hunting is just for boys.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Drason Beasley is my name, pretending to work is my game

Howdy Everyone!

My name is Drason Beasley and I "work" in the Billing Department over here at the Corporate Office! I don't do much around here so you probably haven't heard of me. I reside in Monty's old office (it makes me feel important) and my favorite thing to do is to talk very loudly... on speaker phone... with my door wiiiiide open. Everyone here loves me for it. You're welcome, guys. You can usually find me roaming around the office or goofing off with my buddy, Richard.

This is what I do while I should be working. I like to call it, "The Bullwinkle".

Here is a picture of my beautiful wife, Sonya and our precious baby girl, Livi. I'm one lucky guy.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Deadline for Race Team is QUICKLY approaching!


Teresa here...

Just FYI:

If you want to be on TeamTLC for Race for the Cure (Oct. 4th) you will need to sign up BY Friday, SEPTEMBER 12TH. You will still be able to “sign up” for the Race afterwards but our team must be formed by the 12th.

I can email out the instructions if anyone needs them (It’s color coordinated and such for easy navigating...unlike it is on the blog)

I’m hoping for 10 team members?!

Thanks to those of you who have already signed up!!

I encourage everyone to ask your family and friends for a couple of dollars to donate to the cause! It would be awesome to raise $150 (the cost of a mammogram)

I'm going to set up a bucket in the Corporate office for anyone who wants to drop off some spare change :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Did somebody say Monkey Bread?…Eikkkk!!!!

Hey y’all! I’m Emilee Puckett and I’m a CSR at the Franklin office. I was born and raised in Amory, Mississippi. I have been truly blessed to have been raised in a Christian home by my mom Julia (a.k.a Jewels). I have two sisters, Ashlee (26) and Laura (21), and I fall right in the middle! People have told me all of my life that I have “middle child syndrome” and I think people may have there own preconceived ideas above what the exactly means. Well, if the words 'out-going' or 'craves to be the center of attention' come to mind then I’m afraid to say—you are correct my friends--That is me! I don’t always intentionally mean for it to be like that, but that’s just the way the ball bounces for me many times. I absolutely love to laugh, be silly and have make the most out of my life. For those of you who may not know me personally, you will quickly learn that I am very quick witted, sarcastice southern gal who loves to laugh and have a great time. I love my life—the Lord has truly blessed me with a wonderful family and a wonderful life and I strive to live it to the fullest for His glory each day. It’s so wonderful to know that even though I fail God daily while trying to please Him, He still loves me and forgives me of my sins daily!

Well, I first started working at TLC when I moved to Nashville to go to college. It’s funny to look back and see how much has changed since then. I helped Mary in the store front some and I also helped do some things for Deb Wallace (she was the one and only CSR/Insurance Coordinator/everything else!). I graduated from Free Will Baptist Bible College in 2006 with my B.S. in Exercise Science and a Minor in Biblical Studies. After I graduated, I was hired on full time at TLC. In October of 2006 I was offered a job at the college I graduated to the Enrollment Counselor and Campus Events. It was very rewarding and such a great experience for me to have that job and deal with high school students and help them with their college decisions as they were seeking the Lord’s will for what He wanted them to do. Well, long story short, I ran into Dana Andrews one day and she started talking to me about coming back and working for the company and here I am again!

In my spare time I enjoy playing sports (tennis and volleyball especially), scrapbooking and making cards for people, cutting coloring and styling people’s hair, singing, playing the piano, babysitting, traveling shopping and a new found hobby I have learned to love is swing dancing. I love, love, love going to my church (Judson Baptist) and spending time with my church family as well.

Well, I guess that's all I have for now! As far as my pictures, the first one is of course Yours Truly, the second one is my sister and BEST friend, Ashlee, the third one is my mom (the famous "Jewels" that many of the long time TLC girls have heard about!), and the final one is my younger sister, Laura.

This verse has always been such an encouragement and reminder to me that God always knows what's ahead for me and I can just rely on him to lead me:

“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for wholeness and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." ~ Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Cleaning Man

Hello everyone, my name is Tom Gentry, better known as the "Mr Clean." I am married to Joyce Gentry (the love of my life.) We have been married almost 2 years and have 2 sons, 1 daughter and four grandchildren. Oh I almost forgot, I have 2 daughters. I forget about Jennifer who also works for TLC. (ha, ha) I am very proud of my newly acquired family and truly love them especially around the holidays but some ear plugs would be nice.

I was first introduced to Joyce and TLC while working for Terminix. I had been in the pest control business for several years. One day our office received a call concerning an ant problem at the Portland TLC location. The original sales guy did not want to drive from Nashville to Portland so I volunteered. I met with Joyce, explained the problem and eventually made the sale. I did several follow ups and met with Joyce each time. Next thing I knew we were dating, I met her family and we got married. Just think, if it hadn't been for ants we may have never met! Thanks to Glenda Fowler, retired TLC RT, we had a nice groom's cake in the shape of an ant (the Disney one) at our reception.

I joined TLC in Feb '08 after being retired for 5 days. Joyce asked me to help out for a couple weeks to get the cleaning caught up. In March I became a full time employee and with that came the title "The Cleaning Man." It's a very interesting job and I do enjoy working with all the TLC employees and being part of such a great company.

Each day we should strive to be happy and be thankful for all we have accomplished in life. We must keep our priorities in order; God, family and job. Have a great day!

Monday, August 18, 2008

My Tennessee Roots

Hello to all of you TLC'ans! I am Jerri Holland, one of the newer additions to the billing department here at TLC Medical. I started with TLC back in January of this year as a temp, and I am now a permanent member of the TeamTLC staff. And the blessings just keep coming!

I was born and raised in west Tennessee. Ever heard of Ripley, TN? What about Henning, TN? Probably not :-) Well, it takes about 10 minutes to drive straight through both towns put together! Henning is the childhood home of Alex Haley, the author of the acclaimed book "ROOTS," which was also made into a TV mini-series (who could ever forget that). The home that he grew up in is now The Alex Haley Museum. And...Tina Turner also grew up in that neck of the woods, but she chooses to use the much fancier town name of "Nutbush" as the place where she grew up. Ha, she's not fooling us West Tennesseans though. As far as Ripley, well...I went to high school there because frankly, Henning didn't have one. We DID have churches, though. And I thank God and my family for the exposure I had as a child to Sunday school and worship service and singing in the church choir and vacation bible school and revival. Back then, it seemed like torture being dragged to church 24/7...and we couldn't even take cat naps during the sermon. How cruel was that? Now, I truly cherish that torturous upbringing! After graduating from high school in 1990, I went on to college with a full presidential scholarship for academics at Tennessee State University in Nashville. There, I quickly learned how to party in the big city instead of how to actually "go" to my classes and take my studies seriously. Unfortunately folks, what I learned the hard way after two years was how to FLUNK out!

Some years later in 2000 (still not taking life as seriously as most), I moved to Texas with hopes of leaving all of the "junk in the trunk" behind. I did well and was even blessed with the cutest, smartest, funniest little girl I've ever met in my life! However, the lack of close family and God in my life proved to be quite hazardous for my health. So after almost six years of simply living without a purpose, I packed up our bags and instead of moving to Beverly Hills, we moved back home. Tennessee. Where my heart is. Where all of those wonderful values that were instilled in me as a child still resonate. Where my roots are. And the blessings just keep on coming!
Going back to school is high on my agenda these days. At 36 years old, I find myself asking the question, "What does God want me to be now that I've grown up?" Well, I am waiting patiently for his revelation because I know in my heart of hearts that he has not finished with me yet. On Sundays, I take the opportunity to go to church and indulge in the gospel. In my leisure, I enjoy spending time with my daughter Amari (Tootie), big sister Stephanie (Steph) and nephew Michael (Mike-Mike). I like to lift a few weights here and there, and I also like playing volleyball, softball and a bit of tennis. These days, it's about keeping it simple. One day at a time.
Being surrounded by strong individuals with strong minds who are strong in their faith is one of those AWESOME blessings that I keep mentioning. Again, I thank God for my family which now includes everyone at TLC . What I try to remember on a daily basis is "that by living fully, recognizing that all we do is by his power, we honor God; He in turn blesses us." PEACE.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Maestro of Medicare (That’s What My Momma Says)

Hello to all reading this! If you did not laugh at my blog title well, you don’t need to read any further… I’m ALISON (with ONEL”) also referred to as Ali, Vogel, AV, and what ever else is said when I’m not around. I know who you are. Hopefully you will pick up on my love for humor, but do not confuse my ability to GET DOWN TO BUSINESS. In 2004 I graduated from MTSU with a Bachelor in University Studies and a focus in Nursing. While going to school I worked the night shift at Baptist Hospital from 7p-7a. I truly learned a lot about myself and more about life in such a short period than I ever imagined. There I came to understand the importance of giving spiritual support and having a compassionate bed side manner. I have been with TLC Medical for 3 ½ years now. Some of you have only known me to work at the Corporate office, but I actually started as a Customer Service Rep. in the Franklin office. I worked side by side with Casey, Dana, Emilee, Hayley, and Nancy in the trenches, as I call it. Yes, you have to be tough to be a Customer Service Representative. A year and a half later I was chosen to head up formulating and implementing the now Insurance Verification/ Pre-certification Department which is focused on “patiently” working with insurance companies to obtain patient specific benefits and authorizations on equipment. Jenny now heads up this department and is doing great!! For the past 4 ½ months now I have moved to the billing side of side of the company, working as the Medicare Billing Specialist and have been recently promoted as the Billing Department Manager. I feel TRULY BLESSED to come daily to this home away from home as I call TLC Medical. If you have not already noticed, we are all surrounded by truly compassionate people who strive to live and speak the word of God while serving the needs of our patients. Hard TEAM work and willingness to go the extra mile is what I strive for on a day to day basis and if you work with me you know that to be true. I could be here all day, but I’ll move on to a few personal notes. Here is a picture of my older brother, Ross (29) , on the left and myself on the right hanging out in Scottsdale, AZ. He is also a MTSU alumni and has been living in Phoenix, AZ for 2 years now where he secured a small engine pilot’s license and is working in the airplane hangers of Mesa Airlines learning the ropes of the business (not flying em’ though).

These are my boys! :) Rufus is the Siamese on the left and Truce is the Tabby below. I recommend adoption if anyone wants to get a pet. Rufus was 13 months old and very sick when I adopted him and now is a fat & spoiled 4yr old. Truce is the brave & daring baby one who loves to fetch, yes fetch! He is also my 4:30a.m. alarm clock! I wouldn't trade them for any thing!!

Besides hanging out with these guys, I also love to watch and play any sport. I take that back. I do not have the attention span to watch Golf, but I don't mind getting out on the green and playing a round, or try to. Last weekend I cheered on the Titans at their first preseason game where we BEAT the Rams and loved every minute of it! I'm not one of those crazy face painting, flaming red hair, giant foam finger wearing fans, but I'll sport the "Young" Titans Jersey and yell at good AND bad calls! I also try to squeeze in a Sounds game here and there and oh yes, who is NOT watching the Olympics!!! GO USA!!!!!!!
For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me.
Psalm 31:3
Thanks for reading!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Yearning for Utopia

My girlfriend, Shayna(I know she got the looks of our relationship)
My little buddy Braylen, My Nephew

Hey everyone my name is Kyle Thompson and I'm a delivery tech. I'm actually on vacation right now celebrating my 2 years here at TLC. Well, and Madden 2009 just came out this morning. I probably needed a break from that game for a couple minutes anyway. I have 2 kids, I mean brothers, Derick, 25 and Brent, 22. Recently, I have gotten back together with my high school sweetheart. We took some time off while I was a little lost in this world.

I Enjoy working at TLC and love working with everyone here. It definitely beats my past jobs (i.e. Kroger, Maggie Moos, Food Lion). I think i got pretty lucky getting this job. Well, that's all I got. Sorry i'm not much of a Blogger. And Richard if you are reading this BCBS. Thanks.

"It is amazing how much you can accomplish when it doesn't matter who gets the credit. "