Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

ellie said......

Hi everybody. It's Halloween!!!! and I love it. I have a lot of fun this time of the year and I love this time when the trees start to turn such beauiful colors and the air is cool and crisp. God has a way with making everything so bright and viberant with the changing of the season.

I too had a birthday this week, however, I am not telling which number it was.

I hope everybody has a fantastic Halloween tonight and a great weekend!!!


Oh and by the way........ ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Big 3-0

Hi my name is Jenny and I'm officially old!!!! (Well not really but it sure sounds weird to say that I'm 30.) So what did I do to celebrate this monumental occasion in my life you might ask? Well, my hubby planned a surprise weekend get-away in Chattanooga for us. (If you don't know my hubby, which most of you don't, you can not fully appreciate how monumental that was in and of itself. He's a) not very romantic at all and b) definitely not a planner.) I was so stinkin' excited and proud of him when he finally told me on Friday I could barely contain myself. So here is goes..the run down of our weekend:

First stop...the most romantic lunch ever.

The we were off to Rock City. Neither of us had been there since we were kiddos and man was it beautiful this time of year. (Which he knew I would love...aka back to the whole planning thing.)

Then we went down into the Earth to see the famed Ruby Falls. He had never been here so it was neat to explore it with him for the first time. He, of course, wanted to crawl in the all the crevices that were off limits. Thank goodness they don't supply with you those little lights you can put on like a hat or I might of lost him in there.

We checked in to our room at the Chattanoogan, which was great and then headed off to dinner for some Blue Orleans Creole. YUMMY!!!!

Being the good luvin' wife that I am, after dinner we found a local hang out and watched the misery that was known as the UT game. (Thankfully he got fed up with it and we went back to the hotel.)

Sunday morning we woke up to breakfast and massages.....what more could a girl ask for. Then it was off to the Aquarium. We hadn't been there since they had added on and it was a great time.

As far as we were concerned, it was a birthday done right and it was over. But then on Monday, the party continued. Thanks everyone in the office I was, again, surprised by a rousing rendition of Happy Birthday right before lunch and this delicious cake...thanks for thinking of my guys. YOU'RE THE BEST!!!

I will have to admit that this was one of my favorite birthday's yet. If it is any indication of what lies ahead in my 30s, then bring them on!!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Check it out!

Happy Monday everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. To see my post for today you can view it on my own personal blog. So click on the link above and check it out!


Monday, October 13, 2008

Hope From The Cross

Hello everyone. It's Alison once more. I want to share something very dear to my heart that my father wrote for me. I hope you find refuge in it as I have many times. Have a great day!!

Hope From The Cross
His Sovereign Arms of Grace

When Christ was hung upon the ugly cross
It appeared to His disciples that all was loss

But in God’s sovereign plan to be
Life for man, eternally

When all seems dark and out of control
The winds are howling and the sea billows roll

It is the crucified one who rebukes the wind
And the calming of the waves the Lamb doth send

May we carry our cross to the appointed place
Never ever doubting His sovereign arms of grace

In the death of our will He sets us free
The arisen Jesus of the cross gives victory

By Mark Vogel

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Way to go, TEAM TLC!

Howdy everyone!

Thank you to everyone who signed up for Race for the Cure, 
participated (woo!) in the Race, and to all of those who donated money towards such a great cause! We raised right at $1,000! Congrats!!

For our first year as a team, I think we were very successful. :) yay, team.

For those of you who were able to make it to the Race: Thank you for getting up at the crack of dawn to show your support for finding a cure for breast cancer. "YOU ARE THE CURE"

Here is a picture of the whole gang bright and early before the Race
I'm so proud of everyone for being such great sports! Whether you walked, ran, cheered us on or just donated money--everyone contributed to Team TLC and helped make our first year a success!

Here is a group shot of just the TLC ladies!  It was pretty chilly before the race...tends to be that way at 7am:)  But we definitely all had to strip off the 1st layer of clothing mid-race!  But thankfully it was B-E-A-UTIFUL weather.  
Obviously awesome. 

Who's ready for next year?!  

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Breaking News...

What a Relief!!

Everyone it's Kyle again. Whoever commented that it was mine is wrong.(Richard, Nathan, Joey, Drason or whomever) Congrats Richard and Dana. I don't know what you're going to do with two kids now Dana. FYI, Kyle is a very good name for a boy. Kylie is great for a girl. Anyways, I haven't much to blog about. Atleast I do post on time, everytime if anyone was wondering.(management or whom is head of raises) Things have been going good with everything in my life. I'm undefeated in all fantasy football leagues, playstation is still working and my girlfriend and I have just reached 6 months. I think working here at TLC has really helped me with commitments. I have never had a steady job or relationship until i came to TLC. Maybe it's maturity or maybe it's because there are always things changing here. That's a good thing though. Most people and companies are scared to change things and days go by, same ol same ol. Kinda like UT offense.

Well i suppose that's all I got. I know it's boring but hey I did post and I probably am now in trouble for cracking on UT.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Baby Bean Counter ON BOARD!!!

Well...the cat is officially out of the bag....IT IS US!!!! It was so fun today to hear all of the buzz around each office of "WHO IS IT??"... and I guess our baby will be named "KIM", boy or girl, since she was on it first! :) (smiley face was actually Rich's doing last night...he did the post!) We're just so relieved it wasn't Jeff Walker who guessed... ha! Anyways, we are about 9 weeks along, with a due date of May 14... Now we just can't believe we have to wait NINE MONTHS to see our baby. We feel so blessed, so THANKFUL TO GOD, and so excited! Thanks for being so fun and sharing in our joy today--- it made sharing our "secret" so memorable!

Sunday, October 5, 2008



Thursday, October 2, 2008


It's me again (Hayley). So I just got the news that it was only the timing belt that is broken on my car. I am still not sure what that is, but it sounds better than "the transmission went out" like we originally thought. Dad says it's only going to be about $250 to fix, which we still don't have, but it will be much easier to come up with than the couple thousand we expected it to be. Thank you all who were praying for us, and thanks for all the comments. You guys are awesome!! I love you guys. *tear*

"I will proclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!" Deuteronomy 32:3