Monday, December 29, 2008

Please Remember

I write this blog post with a heavy heart for two of our TLC team. Kyle Thompson lost his 44 year old father over the weekend unexpectedly. I spoke with Kyle briefly on Sunday and told him that he would be in all of our thoughts and prayers. Kyle's father will be at Williamson Memorial Funeral Home here in Franklin. His funeral will take place on Wednesday. Also, Deb Wallace lost her father-in-law over the weekend. Deb and Gary are traveling to Oklahoma to attend the funeral services this week. I also spoke with Deb on Sunday and told her we would be praying for her and Gary as well.

Please keep Kyle, and Deb in your thoughts and prayers. These upcoming days will be challenging to say the least.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas from the Franklin office!!!

Hey everyone!

We wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope that you all have safe travels!
Have a holly jolly Christmas! ~Dana, Brandy and Emilee

Monday, December 22, 2008

On Inauguration Day -- Let Us Pray

TLC Friends,

I wanted to let you all know that Max Lucado has set up a great website: check it out!

Let's join Max Lucado and the 18,000 + others on 01.20.08 to pray for President-Elect Obama

"On January 20, 2009–inauguration day–set aside some minutes to pray for our incoming President. Ask God to inspire, direct and protect him. Pray for his wife and daughters. Use your worship time, family time and private time to ask God’s blessings on Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and all the men and women who serve and lead our country. It’s time to pray."


Have a good day!!!! :)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas

Ellie said


Jesus is Better than Santa
Santa lives at the North Pole.
JESUS is everywhere.
Santa rides in a sleigh
JESUS rides on the wind and walks on the water.
Santa comes but once a year
JESUS is an ever present help.
Santa fills your stockings with goodies
JESUS supplies all your needs.
Santa comes down your chimney uninvited
JESUS stands at your door and knocks.. and then enters your heart.
You have to stand in line to see Santa
JESUS is as close as the mention of His name.
Santa lets you sit on his lap
JESUS lets you rest in His arms.
Santa doesn't know your name, all he can say is "Hi little boy or girl, What's your name?"
JESUS knew our name before we did. Not only does He know our name, He knows our address too. He knows our history and future and He even knows how many hairs are on our heads.
Santa has a belly like a bowl full of jelly
JESUS has a heart full of love.
All Santa can offer is HO HO HO
JESUS offers health, help and hope.
Santa says "You better not cry"
JESUS says "Cast all your cares on me for I care for you.
Santa's little helpers make toys
JESUS makes new life, mends wounded hearts, repairs broken homes and builds mansions.
Santa may make you chuckle but
JESUS gives you joy that is your strength.
While Santa puts gifts under your tree
JESUS became our gift and died on the tree.
It's obvious there is really no comparison.
We need to remember WHO Christmas is all about.
We need to put Christ back in Christmas.
Jesus is still the reason for the season.

May the Lord Bless and Watch over you and your loved ones this Christmas 2008
And may He prosper and bless the work of your hands in the New Year.

Friday, December 5, 2008

It's nice to hear the GOOD...

Hey guys!
Joey asked me to post the following letter which he received yesterday from a new TLC Medical BiPAP patient. In a business where only the "negatives" usually make it to his hear (if we happen to mess things up -which we all know NEVER happens!!... )- it is just refreshing that someone stopped and sang our praises! We are a great TEAM, and need to remember that we bless others when we take time and help them with their personal troubles. Go Emilee and Casey!!!! And thanks to everyone else, too- we know you are making a big difference in these people's lives!

Mr., Joey Lankford
Please allow me to share my last three days with you.
My bipap machine stopped working on a trip to Baltimore on Monday night. It was the first time in 4 years that I have not had my mask on and I was afraid of going to sleep and not waking up.
I did my sleep study four years ago in Louisville Ky and have not needed anything since moving to Spring Hill in Aug of '06. I did a Google search for Medical supplies and TLC came up. I did not know what I was getting into. I did not know that you needed a prescription from my MD to get supplies. Just a little more back ground to my story. With my in-laws, we owned a Christian Book Store in Louisville. I understand the challenges of the "family business".

I contacted your Franklin office and spoke to Emilee Puckett. After giving her my info with address, she informed me that the Columbia office covered Spring Hill. I assumed I would need to call that office and go through all this again. WOW WAS I WRONG. Emilee faxed/emailed all the info to Casey Cantrell and said Casey would call me soon. AND SHE DID.

I have never, in my 25 years of professional life had the level of service I received from your staff. I was a challenge, and your staff was amazing.
I also spoke with another employee at Columbia and I'm sorry I can't recall her name. All three went way beyond to put me at ease.
I have always said that my employees are a reflection of me.
I have never met you but I believe you and your family are great people. Your father and you have done a marvelous job with TLC.
I have been working for myself for the last 16 years, but I would work for your family in a heart beat.

Job well done.

Randy Maricle
Maricle Management Group

You are invited... come to my Christmas contata at Judson Baptist Church. There are 2 dates that are available for you to come-December 13 & 14 at 6:00 p.m. It is open to the public and you don't have to get tickets or anything, but I would strongly suggest getting there early.

I sing with my church choir and for the past few months we have been working on our music and so has our orchestra. The program is called "I Have Seen the Light" and I really believe it is going to be amazing.

Here is the address and map. I hope to see you all there. Look for me in the Alto section, which is on the right!
Judson Baptist Church
4900 Franklin Road
Nashville, TN 37220

If you have any questions please feel free to email me:
Hope to see you all there!